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© 2003 Kyle Hoyt.
All rights reserved.
 Pest Pest

Full name: Wendell Pestilence Pendelton
Occupation: Monster
Age: ??
Height: 8'2"
Weight: 870lbs

Pest is your average monster: large, ill-mannered, and completely inconsiderate of everyone else's feelings. Although his past is shrouded in mystery, his current life began when he ran into a young woman on her way home from work. Pest was particularly attracted to her backpack, filled with food. After a short exchange, she "gave" him the backpack and he wasted no time in emptying it. The fastest way to any monster's heart is through his stomach, so he immediatley followed her home and ended up sticking around.

Pest now spends his time lounging about her small San Francisco apartment, watching TV and consuming dangerous amounts of junk food. He really doesn't aspire to much more.

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